The Diamond Ray
Advanced Light Technology that gets to the Heart of the matter
As the hardest stone known to man at a physical level, the Diamond energy is able to cut through density within the 4-body system; Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. The focus and precision of The Diamond Way comes from the Diamond Light Matrix through The Diamond Ray. The Diamond Ray works FAST where I other healing modalities can take longer to heal stubborn thought forms, patterns and limitation.
The Diamond Ray is an intelligence, an Energy Being that sits within the Diamond Light Matrix, here at this time to elevate the Consciousness of Mother Earth, Humanity and all sentient beings that resonate with its Calling.
The Diamond Ray is a high frequency ray (beyond the spectrum of our Rainbow) that works very quickly and has an innate intelligence to go where healing and growth is needed. The Diamond Ray is LIGHT and holds high vibrational information to resonate with and Activate your Diamond Light Body.​
Diamond Lab Technology
Take a self-limiting characteristic ~ play the Upgrade ~ Allow the transformation into its expansive Light Quality