Your Alchemy Toolkit
You have Everything within
The Diamond Way
It is your Daily Life that offers the Learning Ground and Playground
to Remember your Magnificence and All that you are
All Light Services are available on-line in the comfort of your Home
Realise your Diamond Self
Realise your Diamond Self is a
Light Structure enabling Transformational Change.
Available in book form or a
One-to-One experience breaking the cycle of suffering from a mind-led
response to life into and through
the Pathway of the Heart.
Diamond Light Techniques
Journey with the Diamond Light Ray
to Purify negative thought forms
and false beliefs held in the conscious
and sub-conscious minds to clear the path in order to manifest your Dreams and Goals. Increase your Light to
Align with the Power of the Universe
for infinite Joy and Expansion.
Future Shaping
Reconnect to your Diamond Heart
to get in touch with your Heart's true desires. A simple and powerful 3-step process to Align to your Truth,
integrate the Diamond Light Techniques to embody more Light, harnessing your innate Power
to Manifest your Goals and Dreams.
Realise your Diamond Self
A Journey back to Wholeness
Journey with Realise your Diamond Self to Alchemise suffering into golden threads of Wisdom
Through choosing to Respond to Life from the Heart a great internal chemistry takes place
your cellular memory Remembers the Light that you are
Incorporate and Integrate Light Formulas through Affirmations into your Everyday life
to Change the course of your Life and Evolution
Daily Affirmations
into the Pathway
of the Heart​
Listen in Sleep or Wake state
to reprogram the Conscious
and Subconscious minds
Transform 18 self-limiting characteristics into their expansive Light Qualities